Getting Your Affairs in Order….Part 1

Here are two great resources in order to help you either begin or check off what is the first step in getting your affairs in order…. legal and financial. These include health care power of attorney, financial power of attorney, wills, trusts, transfer on death as well as making sure your passwords and social media can be accessed by your designated person.

The power of faith, John Kennedy shares his experience

John and Eileen Kennedy in St Thomas at the Church’s memorial garden

John Kennedy is the father of one of my other podcast interviewees, Maureen Kennedy. John was on the brink of leaving this world with advanced cancer when Maureen was quite young. He shares his experience of healing as he received grace and mercy on what he thought was a final trip with his wife. The photo here shows you he made it much longer than just that trip. Throughout medical school, he sent Maureen information frequently on advances in medicine. But this inspiring story shows that there is power in believing.