How I really feel

So, this morning I was asked how I am feeling. I thought I would let you in on the good and the bad. Chemotherapy was yesterday. I had an allergic reaction, noticed by my astute nurse, just prior to discharge. This means my infusions will run longer during the time that I am there, but as of this point won’t have to change chemotherapy drugs. I receive five different types of medicine for nausea. Here is how I feel:

Slightly buzzed, tired, nauseated and a really bad taste in my mouth from the chemo. That’s the real behind the scenes.

Also – good,  Positive, another step closer to getting better. And grateful for everyone picking up the pieces of my life that I love and doing them for me or without me.

For the positive today:  I will walk 1/2 miles today – a goal for my foot that hurts less since the fracture – and I think I can wear a pair of tennis shoes for the first time since the end of May. And I will get in the pool. Someone else will water my plants today and pick the blueberries and blackberries that have ripened.

Wish this is what I had planned:  a great party celebrating cheese, Boska, my friend Martijn’s company, and a great night with friends in NYC.  If I can’t be doing it – I can be remembering it!

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