Maeve shares her unique perspective – and also may make you cry. Beware of our StoryCorp type episodes. This week is a chemo week and I slept 20 hours yesterday. I find the more I sleep, the less I notice the side effects. But I am groggy and tired and nauseated and have had a bad taste of metal in my mouth. If my foot wasn’t broke I might walk 1/2 mile with one of the dogs and a young adult. I had a great meal from a neighbor cooked at her home on Sunday. Thank you Dianne, Steffi, and Addie. It was almost like a pre-chemo party. Love those kind of evenings. Now 1/4 of the way through. I also spent some great time with old friends from my “Return of the Masterminds” and allowed them to inspire me – to write a book before this time next year.