So, the last year has been tough on my skin – and now I really have my SKIN IN THE GAME. I have not been able to do my basic maintenance treatments. This wasn’t true the first time I went through chemotherapy. This time it was just too much. I did not have the energy to even drive a car some days. I needed to focus on the treatments to get me better and then to regain some energy. A few weeks ago, I started back with my first treatment with Dr. Olah being ThermiVa. As my anatomy has changed over the years with childbirth, menopause, and surgery – it is time to put some energy in the area to help with some very mild stress incontinence. I don’t think surgery would be offered for this issue and Kegel exercises have not helped.
Now – on to my face. I sent a skinscript ahead of time to Ellen Burns, RN and Melinda Rodriguez-Tercius, RN in order to get my appointments scheduled. Ellen and Melinda, by the way, have grown leaps and bounds in their skills in the last year in my absence. I am looking forward to seeing what their hands and knowledge can do for me! Everyone that visits Timeless has a plan -a plan for the issues you are concerned about and a plan for anything we can see additionally that you may be interested in. As with any program that requires professional treatment, there are at home regimens to make the program more successful. Those are also included in your plan. If you haven’t seen your plan and are interested, call the office and we will send it to you!
So today was the day I started back. Some of the changes I have noticed in the last year are increasing laxity in my skin, reddish irritation to my face, decollete degradation with lines and discoloration, loss of volume in my lips and downward pull on my jowls. And my hands – oh they are a mess from the chemotherapy with strange bouts of swelling that have added to an aged look. I would have liked to have done the Secret RF microneedling treatment – but I still have my chemotherapy port and that has metal in it. So for now, I will go with standard microneedling , botox, fillers, chemical peels. And, as chemotherapy has ended, and my hair begins it’s course in growing again – my laser hair removal on my legs needs to be updated! Dermalinfusions will round out the treatments to give my skin a silky smooth appearance.
And – while I was in the office, I was able to chat with one of our patients who I haven’t seen in over a year. She looked fabulous and she shared she was turning 70 this year. I hope to look as good as she does a year from now. It has taken me awhile to get to this place – so it is going to take me awhile to get back to where I want to be! Follow along with me – it’s going to be fun. I will share with you my treatments, my progress and all that is new and exciting at Timeless Skin Solutions!
This is my first YouTube video self produced – please excuse my very humble beginnings!